Category Archives: Portugal

BOOK: Law and Language in the Middle Ages

Law and Language in the Middle Ages

Editors: Matthew W. McHaffie, Jenny Benham and Helle Vogt

Law and Language in the Middle Ages

Leiden : Brill, 2018 – ISBN: 978-90-04-37576-5

Publisher’s website

Law and Language in the Middle Ages investigates the encounter between law and legal practice from the linguistic perspective. The essays explore how legal language expresses and advances power relations, along with the ways in which the language of law legitimates power. The wide geographical and chronological scope showcases how power, legitimacy and language interact, moving the discussion beyond traditional issues of identity or the formation of nation-states and their institutions. What emerges are different strategies reflective of the diverse and pluralistic political, legal, and cultural worlds of the Middle Ages. 


part 1 Translation and Interpretation of Law

1 Why Laws Were Translated in Medieval England: Access, Authority, and Authenticity , Bruce O’Brien 

2 Translating Justinian: Transmitting and Transforming Roman Law in the Middle Ages , Ada Maria Kuskowski 

3 Leges Iutorum: The Medieval Latin Translation of the Law of Jutland, Michael H. Gelting 

4 The Languages and Registers of Law in Medieval Ireland and Wales, Paul Russell 

part 2 The Languages of Legal Practice and Documentary Culture

5 Latin and the Vernacular in Medieval Legal Documents: The Case of Denmark, Anders Leegaard Knudsen 

6 Between the Language of Law and the Language of Justice: The Use of Formulas in Portuguese Dispute Texts (Tenth and Eleventh Centuries) , André Evangelista Marques 

7 The Dangers of Using Latin Texts for the Study of Customary Law: The Example of Flemish Feudal Law during the High Middle Ages, Dirk Heirbaut 

8 Sources of Legal Language: The Development of Warranty Clauses in Western France, ca.1030–ca.1240, Matthew McHaffie 

part 3 Methodology, Interaction, and Language

9 Law and Language in the Leges Barbarorum: A Database Project on the Vernacular Vocabulary in Medieval Manuscripts, Anette Kremer and Vincenz Schwab 

10 ‘And since We are No Lawyers, We Will Void the Lawsuit with Battle Axes’! Voiding a Lawsuit in Old Icelandic Procedural Law, Werner Schäfke 

11 Biblical Analogues for Early Anglo-Saxon Law, Carole Hough 




Digital Academic History
Studi sulle popolazioni accademiche in Europa

a cura di Gian Paolo BRIZZI, Willem FRIJHOFF

Copertina Digital academic history
collana “Studi e ricerche sull’università”

Bologna: Il Mulino, 2018 – ISBN 978-88-15-27552-3


Da qualche anno un network di ricercatori europei ha messo a profitto le potenzialità della rete per rinnovare una tradizione di studi, risalente a oltre un secolo, che mirava a sviluppare ricerche prosopografiche sulle élites intellettuali che si sono formate nelle università. Le risorse informatiche consentono oggi di superare il carattere localistico di quegli studi e, in accordo con lo spirito transnazionale del concetto originario di «universitas», il network Héloïse mira a stabilire una piattaforma di interrogazione comune in cui le singole ricerche onomastiche e prosopografiche possano confluire. L’intento è quello di ricostruire i nodi di esperienze culturali e scientifiche che si alimentarono grazie a una pluralità di contatti che non subivano ancora i condizionamenti spirituali dell’età dei nazionalismi. Il volume presenta alcuni dei principali progetti illustrati nel corso dei primi sei incontri di studio del network Héloïse.


Avant Héloïse: l’aventure de Fasti, di Willem Frijhoff
La base de données sur les étudiants de l’Université de Poitiers. Le “Repertorium academicum pictaviense” (RAP), di Yannis Delmas-Rigoutsos, Jean Hiernard e Denise Turrel
Extranei, CAT et CaEN de Pool.Corpus: bases de données des étudiants étrangers et provinciaux dans les anciennes universités françaises, di Patrick Ferté
OEconomia Studii. A database of a new project on funding, management and resources of the Portuguese University (13th-16th centuries), di Hermenegildo Fernandes, Armando Norte e André de Oliveira Leitão
Professors at the University of Salamanca (1550-1650). Prosopography and databases, di Francisco Javier Rubio Muñoz
Le accademie italiane. Una banca dati online, di Simone Testa
Digital academic history in the Netherlands, di Leen Dorsman
Scottish university professors 1800-1939: proposals for a database, di Robert Anderson
El doctorado en derecho en la universidad liberal española (1847-1914), di Manuel Martínez Neira
Historical studies and the academic profession in United Italy: A database of concorsi for university teaching posts in historical disciplines, di Matteo Caponi e Andrea Mariuzzo
Insegnamenti giuridici e percorsi disciplinari: il rinnovarsi di una peregrinatio academica (1860-1915), di Annamaria Monti