Le moment Beccaria. Naissance du droit pénal moderne (1764-1810)
Edited by Philippe Audegean and Luigi Delia
Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment 2018:09
ISBN 9781786941381
Publisher’s website https://liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk/products/109711
Throughout history, criminal law was never more discussed than during the Age of Enlightenment. The debates started after the publication of a small book by Cesare Beccaria, On Crimes and Punishments, in Livorno in 1764. For fifty years from that date, reactions and additions to the book proliferated so much that this period is called by some “the Beccaria moment”.
The contributions in this volume explore different thematic and geographical areas (Germany, England, France, Italy) to explore that innovative and foundational moment in the European history of criminal law. Why was the criminal problem suddenly publicised? How did those interrogations manifest? Which theoretical and material forms did they take?
This volume shows that modern criminal law originates in a book, and also in its interpretations – in Beccaria’s ideas and the debates they started. Those two sources interacted and now cannot be understood separately.
Round table debate devoted to the book: Paris, 12 octobre 2018 h 16 ENS ULM https://www.ens.fr/agenda/le-moment-beccaria-naissance-du-droit-penal-moderne-1764-1810/2018-10-12t140000
Les idées ne flottent pas dans les airs :
comment écrire l’histoire intellectuelle des circulations transatlantiques ?
Université de Montréal, 9 octobre 2018, h 11h45
Italia-Francia allers -retours: influenze, adattamenti, porosità
Benevento 21-22 settembre 2018
Examinations, Degrees and Diplomas
Validation of Competences by Universities
from the 12th Century to the Present
Duguit et les Amériques: historicités et circulations transatlantiques d’une pensée juridique, La Havane, Cuba, 5 et 6 avril 2018, organisé par l’Université de Bordeaux et l’Université de La Havane.