Monthly Archives: July 2019

BOOK: ‘NON PIÙ SATELLITE’. Itinerari giuscommercialistici tra Otto e Novecento

Itinerari giuscommercialistici tra Otto e Novecento

A cura di Italo Birocchi
Edizioni ETS: Pisa, 2019 – ISBN: 9788846755858

Come nacque e si sviluppò la scienza commercialistica nel processo di passaggio dall’antico ius mercatorum al diritto commerciale codificato? È il problema dell’autonomia della disciplina che riguarda fondamentalmente il duplice rapporto con la civilistica – considerata, nell’immaginario ottocentesco, l’officina di produzione delle categorie e del linguaggio dell’universo giuridico e dunque la scienza per eccellenza ­– e con l’economia, ritenuta la materia su cui si innestavano le forme del diritto commerciale. In quel processo venne rovesciata l’idea che la giuscommercialistica fosse una scienza satellitare del diritto civile e si affermò di converso la ‘commercializzazione’ della vita civile. 
In un arco temporale compreso, grossomodo, tra i decenni centrali dell’Ottocento e gli anni Trenta del Novecento, i saggi raccolti in questo libro esaminano diverse figure di giuristi (protagonisti o membri del coro), strumenti (riviste, prolusioni, saggi, trattati), provvedimenti e progetti normativi, momenti del reclutamento accademico (candidati e loro formazione, prove concorsuali, commissari), esperimenti didattici. 
L’ottica è transnazionale, come nella vocazione del commercio e come soprattutto suggerisce il continuo rimbalzare di tematiche, personaggi e opere da una esperienza ordinamentale all’altra. Così capita di riscontrare che Serafini fosse impegnato nei lavori preparatori dell’Obligationenrecht svizzero e che questo venisse abbondantemente commentato in Italia nelle sue due edizioni, che il Corso di Vidari venisse letto e discusso dai protagonisti della giuscommercialistica brasiliana, che autori come Vidari e Bolaffio fossero attentamente compulsati nell’importante manuale di Soler in Spagna, che il giovanissimo Mossa fosse attratto dalla più recente dottrina tedesca.

Table of contents:

Call for papers: Professions and Methods in Comparative Legal History, ESCLH 6th Biennal Conference, Lisbon 1-3 July 2020

ESCLH 6th Biennal Conference 

Professions and Methods in Comparative Legal History

1-3 July 2020, Universidad de Lisboa, Faculdade de Direito

The Organising Committee of the 6th Biennal Conference and the Executive Council of the ESCLH are pleased to call for papers for the upcoming conference to be held. The main theme picks up threads of thought from the earlier ESCLH conferences in Valencia (2010), Amsterdam (2012), Macerata (2014), Gdansk (2016), Paris (2018) to explore what roles Professions and Methods have played, and continue to play, within comparative legal history. Offers of papers should be submitted by 15 November 2019 (details below).

The conference will focus on legal professions and method, especially the methods of legal professionals across Europe and the world. Judges, lawyers and other legal professions have developed differently from country to country and even now, we can find substantial differences in training, method, role and work. Legal methodology, including the motivation of judicial decisions, lawyerly style and method of arguing cases needs to be studied in historical and comparative perspective to understand where we are now, and where we might be heading.

Papers could probe the process of emergence and evolution of legal professions, from their institutional aspects and their understanding of their jobs, through to technical matters of method. They could also study the effects of structure of legal professions on the on the way law functions, most obviously through case law. Papers which also look through the lens of the historical context of the countries in which the legal professions operated are welcome.

Papers should be novel, properly researched and referenced. They should address the conference theme, exploring doctrinal, theoretical, cultural or methodological aspects of comparative legal history. They must also be comparative, addressing more than one system of laws. The organisers particularly welcome addressing multiple legal systems or cultures. This includes where a similar legal system functions in different cultural circles.

Practical details:

To offer a paper, please send the title of their paper, a short abstract (of 200-400 words, no more, and a short CV (no more than 1 page) by 15 November 2019 to the organizing committee, c/o
The presentations should be in English.
It is also possible to submit a complete proposal for one or more panels (3 papers normally).
The list of accepted papers will be announced by early December 2019.
Shortly, a conference website will be launched with fuller details of the conference. For the moment, some transport and accommodation information follows.

Lisbon offers many accommodation possibilities ranging from five-star hotels, through smaller hotels and private rooms to beds in youth and student hostels. For some postgraduates the University of Lisbon, might be able to offer cheaper accommodation in student dormitories, and anything available will be advertised in due course.

Organising Committee:

Pedro Barbas Homem, Susana Antas Videira, Ana Fouto, Jorge Silva Santos